This fonction concatenates several dataset that have the same time axis. It is useful for analysing for example several variables at the same time. It takes into account weights, masks and axes.
This function is the reverse operation of stakData. It splits stacked datasets into a list.
This function packs a dataset in 2D space by removing all masked points and returning a space-time array. It performs this operation also on the weights. It is used for removing unnecessary points and simplifying the input format for analysis functions.
This computes temporal phase composites of a spatio-temporal dataset. The dataset is expected to be oscillatory in time. It corresponds to a reoganisation of the time axis to to represents the dataset over its cycle in a arbitrary number of phases. It is useful, for example, to have a synthetic view of an reconstructed MSSA oscillation.
This function creates an object for future analyses. It optionally initializes some parameters.
ffrec = <SpAn_object>.reconstruct(start=1, end=None, mssa=None, pca=None, phases=False, nphases=8, offset=.5, firstphase=0)
This function performs recontructions to retreive the the contribution of a selection of modes to the original field. By default, it recontructs from available PCA and MSSA results. Recontruction of MSSA modes also calls recontruction from of pre-PCA to get back to the original space. This function can optionally performs phase composites (useful for pairs of MSSA modes = oscillations) on MSSA recontructions.